Publications - Year 2023

Publications and preprints, antichronological order, of the AHGT members of the network in A/ Galois Covers and Moduli Spaces, B/Motivic & Geometric Galois Representations, C/Arithmetic Anabelian Geometry ...and related topics...*.

Surveys & Proceedings

  1. by
    B. Collas, P. Dèbes, Y. Hoshi, and A. Mézard.
    In Oberwolfach Reports, EMS - Publishing House.
    Dec 2023
  1. by
    B. Collas.
    In Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (Kazan),
    Sep 2023
  2. Lectures notes “Around the inverse Galois problem”
    O. Wittenberg.
    In Park City Mathematics Institute Lectures,
    Jun 2023
  3. A survey on algebraic dilatations
    A. Dubouloz, A. Mayeux, and J. Santos.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Jun 2023

Previous years selection...

  1. by
    F. Pop.
    In Topology Appl.,
    May 2022
  2. by
    A. Cadoret.
    In J. Number Theory,
    Jan 2022
  3. by
    F. Binda, D. Park, and P. Østvær.
    In Comptes Rendus. Mathématique,
    Jan 2022

Survey and proceedings of the AHGT project prior to 2023.

Galois Covers and Moduli Spaces

  1. Sharp bounds for the number of rational points on algebraic curves and dimension growth, over all global fields
    G. Binyamini, R. Cluckers, and F. Kato.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Jan 2024
  2. by
    D. Harbater, J. Hartmann, and D. Krashen.
    In Israel Journal of Mathematics,
    Dec 2023
  3. Improvements on dimension growth results and effective Hilbert’s irreducibility theorem
    R. Cluckers, P. Dèbes, Y. Hendel, K. Nguyen, and F. Vermeulen.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Nov 2023
  4. by
    J. König, and D. Neftin.
    In International Mathematics Research Notices,
    Nov 2023
  5. by
    S. Arias-de-Reyna, and J. König.
    In International Journal of Number Theory,
    Nov 2023
  6. by
    N. Borne, and A. Laaroussi.
    In Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques,
    Oct 2023
  7. Explicit Riemann-Roch spaces in the Hilbert class field
    J. Couveignes, and J. Gasnier.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Sep 2023
  8. Rationality problem for norm one tori for A5 and PSL2(F8) extensions
    A. Hoshi, and A. Yamasaki.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Sep 2023
  9. by
    M. Fried.
    In Albanian Journal of Mathematics,
    Jul 2023
  10. by
    B. Seguin.
    In PhD thesis Lille University,
    Jul 2023
  11. On sets of rational functions which locally represent all of Q.
    J. König, and B. Klahn.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Jun 2023
  12. On the descent conjecture for rational points and zero-cycles
    N. Linh.
    In arXiv e-print,
    May 2023
  13. by
    I. Biswas, N. Borne, S. Dumitrescu, S. Heller, and C. Pauly.
    In Journal of Geometry and Physics,
    May 2023
  14. Fields of Definition of Components of Hurwitz Spaces
    B. Seguin.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Mar 2023
  15. Bounds for rational points on algebraic curves, optimal in the degree, and dimension growth
    G. Binyamini, R. Cluckers, and D. Novikov.
    In arXiv e-print (to appear in IMRN),
    Feb 2023
  16. by
    A. Hoshi, K. Kanai, and A. Yamasaki.
    In Journal of Number Theory,
    Feb 2023
  17. by
    B. Deschamps.
    In North-W. Eur. J. de Math.,
    Jan 2023
  18. by
    A. Hoshi, M. Kang, and A. Yamasaki.
    In Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society,
    Jan 2023
  19. by
    J. Couveignes, and T. Ezome.
    In J. Algebra,
    Jan 2023
  20. by
    A. Bodin, and P. Dèbes.
    In Israel J. Math.,
    Jan 2023
  21. by
    B. Deschamps.
    In J. of Algebra,
    Jan 2023
  22. by
    J. König, and D. Neftin.
    In Israel Journal of Mathematics,
  23. by
    J. König.
    In Journal of Algebra,
  24. by
    B. Im, and J. König.
    In Mathematische Nachrichten,
  25. by
    J. König.
    In International Journal of Number Theory,
  26. by
    K. Kim, and J. König.
    In Glasgow Mathematical Journal,

References on Galois Covers and Moduli Spaces of the AHGT project prior to 2023.

Motivic & Geometric Galois Representations

  1. Hilbert properties under base change in small extensions
    S. Lior Bary-Soroker.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Dec 2023
  2. Associators in mould theory
    H. Furusho, M. Hirose, and N. Komiyama.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Dec 2023
  3. by
    S. Lior Bary-Soroker.
    In Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal),
    Nov 2023
  4. by
    H. Furusho, and N. Komiyama.
    In Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math.,
    Nov 2023
  5. Local model theory for non-generic tame potentially Barsotti–Tate deformation rings
    S. Bao Viet Le Hung.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Nov 2023
  6. by
    A. Best, L. Betts, T. Kumpitsch, M. Lüdtke, A. McAndrew, L. Qian, E. Studnia, and Y. Xu.
    In Math. Comp.,
    Oct 2023
  7. by
    B. Enriquez, and F. Hidekazu.
    In Sel. Math. New Ser.,
    Oct 2023
  8. by
    K. Yaddaden.
    In Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra (acc. 2023),
    Oct 2023
  9. Generic vanishing theorem for Fujiki class C
    H. Liu.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Sep 2023
  10. Making the motivic group structure on the endomorphisms of the projective line explicit
    V. Barth, W. Hornslien, G. Quick, and G. Wilson.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Aug 2023
  11. by
    N. Combe, Y. Manin, and M. Marcolli.
    In Essays in Geometry,
    Aug 2023
  12. Elliptic hyperlogarithms
    B. Enriquez, and F. Zerbini.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Jul 2023
  13. by
    A. Topaz.
    In preprint,
    Jun 2023
  14. Chabauty–Kim and the Section Conjecture for locally geometric sections
    L. Betts, T. Kumpitsch, and M. Lüdtke.
    May 2023
  15. by
    H. Furusho.
    In Tunisian. J. Math,
    Apr 2023
  16. by
    B. Enriquez, and F. Hidekazu.
    In Sel. Math. New Ser.,
    Mar 2023
  17. by
    O. Harpaz.
    In Duke Math. J.,
    Jan 2023
  18. Notes on Kashiwara-Vergne and double shuffle Lie algebras
    H. Furusho, and N. Komiyama.
    In "Low Dimensional Topology and Number Theory" Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics (to appear),
  19. by
    M. Leonhardt, M. Lüdtke, and J. Müller.
    In Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN,
  20. by
    F. Bleher, T. Chinburg, and J. Gillibert.
    In Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3),
  21. by
    N. Combe, Y. Manin, and M. Marcolli.
    In P-Adic Num Ultrametr Anal Appl,

References on Motivic & Geometric Galois Representations of the AHGT project prior to 2023.

Arithmetic Anabelian Geometry

  1. GT-shadows for the gentle version of the Grothendieck-Teichmueller group
    V. Dolgushev, and J. Guynee.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Jan 2024
  2. The classifying element for quotients of Fermat curves
    J. Duque-Rosero, and R. Pries.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Dec 2023
  3. On the kernels of the pro-p outer Galois representations associated to once-punctured CM elliptic curves
    S. Ishii.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Dec 2023
  4. On Kummer characters arising from Galois actions on the pro-p fundamental groups of once-punctured CM elliptic curves
    S. Ishii.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Dec 2023
  5. groups of proper varieties are finitely presented
    M. Lara, V. Srinivas, and J. Stix.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Nov 2023
  6. by
    P. Dittmann, and F. Pop.
    In Ann. of Math. ,
    Nov 2023
  7. On Oda’s problem and special loci
    B. Collas, and S. Philip.
    In arXiv e-print, RIMS preprint 1978,
    Nov 2023
  8. Topological rigidity of maps in positive characteristic and anabelian geometry
    P. Achinger, and J. Stix.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Oct 2023
  9. by
    M. Boggi.
    In Glasgow Math. J.,
    Oct 2023
  10. Mass formula for non-ordinary curves in one dimensional families
    R. Cavalieri, and R. Pries.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Aug 2023
  11. by
    D. Shiraishi.
    In Math. J. Okayama Univ (acc. 2024),
    Jul 2023
  12. Spence-Kummer’s trilogarithm functional equation and the underlying geometry
    D. Shiraishi.
    In e-print arXiv,
    Jul 2023
  13. by
    M. Boggi, and L. Funar.
    In Journal of Topology,
    Jul 2023
  14. Some cases of Oort’s conjecture about Newton polygons
    R. Pries.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Jun 2023
  15. by
    S. Mochizuki, and S. Tsujimura.
    In RIMS Preprint 1974,
    Jun 2023
  16. by
    S. Tsujimura, and A. Minamide.
    In RIMS Preprint 1973,
    Jun 2023
  17. by
    S. Tsujimura.
    In J. Inst. Math. Jussieu,
    Jun 2023
  18. by
    Y. Hoshi.
    In Nagoya Math. J.,
    Jun 2023
  19. by
    C. Demarche, and T. Szamuely.
    In preprint,
    Jun 2023
  20. by
    Y. Hoshi.
    In RIMS Preprint 1972,
    May 2023
  21. by
    Y. Hoshi.
    In RIMS Preprint 1970,
    Apr 2023
  22. Anabelian properties of infinite algebraic extensions of finite fields
    T. Murotani.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Apr 2023
  23. by
    Y. Hoshi.
    In Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci.,
    Mar 2023
  24. The geometrically m-step solvable Grothendieck conjecture for affine hyperbolic curves over finitely generated fields
    N. Yamaguchi.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Feb 2023
  25. by
    M. Takahiro.
    In Int. J. Number Theory,
    Feb 2023
  26. by
    A. Topaz.
    In preprint,
    Jan 2023
  27. Topological Structures of Moduli Spaces of Curves and Anabelian Geometry in Positive Characteristic
    Z. Hu, Y. Yang, and R. Zong.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Jan 2023
  28. by
    A. Cadoret, C. Hui, and A. Tamagawa.
    In Israel J. Math.,
    Jan 2023
  29. by
    H. Esnault, V. Srinivas, and J. Stix.
    In Algebraic Geometry,
  30. by
    W. Porowski.
    In Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci.,
  31. by
    Y. Yang.
    In preprint,
  32. by
    R. Davis, R. Pries, and K. Wickelgren.
    In Israel Journal of Math.,
  33. by
    E. Kin, H. Nakamura, and H. Ogawa.
    In J. Math. Soc. Japan,
  34. On the observability of Galois representations and the Tate conjecture
    Y. André.
    In arXiv e-print,

References on Arithmetic Anabelian Geometry of the AHGT project prior to 2023.

...and related topics...

The AHGT program naturally interacts with the latest developments of various fiels of mathematics (e.g., low-dimensional and algebraic topology, algebraic geometry and number theory, quantum field theory,...).

  1. A note on Real line bundles with connection and Real smooth Deligne cohomology
    P. Flydal, G. Quick, and E. Svanes.
    In Acta Mathematica Vietnamica (acc.),
    Dec 2023
  2. Automorphisms of procongruence pants complexes
    M. Boggi, and L. Funar.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Nov 2023
  3. by
    Q. Liu.
    In Res. number theory,
    Oct 2023
  4. Twisted Heilbronn Virtual Characters
    G. Yamashita.
    In preprint,
    Oct 2023
  5. Pre-Lie algebras with divided powers and the Deligne groupoid in positive characteristic
    M. Verstraete.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Oct 2023
  6. On Frobenius structures in symmetric cones
    N. Combe.
    In ,
    Sep 2023
  7. Parametric Fourier and Mellin transforms of power-constructible functions
    R. Cluckers, G. Comte, and T. Servi.
    In arXiv e-print (to appear in Forum of Math, Sigma),
    Aug 2023
  8. Higgs bundles in the Hitchin section over non-compact hyperbolic surfaces
    Q. Li, and T. Mochizuki.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Jul 2023
  9. On the cokernel of the Thom morphism for compact Lie groups
    E. Kaspersen, and G. Quick.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Jun 2023
  10. by
    A. Asok, A. Dubouloz, and P. Ostvaer.
    In Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN,
    May 2023
  11. Hopf crossed module (co)algebras
    K. Sozer, and A. Virelizier.
    May 2023
  12. Chromatic maps for finite tensor categories
    F. Costantino, N. Geer, B. Patureau-Mirand, and A. Virelizier.
    May 2023
  13. Generating the homology of covers of surfaces
    M. Boggi, A. Putman, and N. Salter.
    In arXiv e-print,
    May 2023
  14. Asymptotic behaviour of the Hitchin metric on the moduli space of Higgs bundles
    T. Mochizuki.
    In arXiv e-print,
    May 2023
  15. Existential uniform p-adic integration and descent for integrability and largest poles
    R. Cluckers, and M. Stout.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Apr 2023
  16. Mellin transforms of power-constructible functions
    R. Cluckers, G. Comte, J. Rolin, and T. Servi.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Apr 2023
  17. by
    Y. Hoshi.
    In Math. J. Okayama Univ.,
    Mar 2023
  18. Asymptotic behaviour of large-scale solutions of Hitchin’s equations in higher rank
    T. Mochizuki, and S. Szabo.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Mar 2023
  19. Geometric pushforward in Hodge filtered complex cobordism and secondary invariants
    K. Haus, and G. Quick.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Mar 2023
  20. Non compact (2+1)-TQFTs from non-semisimple spherical categories
    F. Costantino, N. Geer, B. Patureau-Mirand, and A. Virelizier.
    Feb 2023
  21. Natural transformations relating homotopy and singular homology functors
    B. Enriquez, and F. Lecomte.
    In arXiv e-print, RIMS preprint 1978,
    Jan 2023
  22. by
    K. Sözer, and A. Virelizier.
    In Adv. Math.,
    Jan 2023
  23. by
    R. Cluckers, I. Halupczok, S. Rideau-Kikuchi, and F. Vermeulen.
    In Forum Math. Sigma,
    Jan 2023
  24. by
    R. Cluckers, I. Glazer, and Y. Hendel.
    In Algebra Number Theory,
    Jan 2023
  25. by
    R. Cluckers, J. Kollár, and M. Mustaţǎ.
    In Algebraic Geometry and Physics (to appear),
  26. by
    T. Mochizuki, and C. Sabbah.
    In Oberwolfach Rep.,
  27. by
    K. Haus, and G. Quick.
    In Adv. Math.,
  28. by
    N. Combe.
    In Workshop Reports of “Mini-Workshop: Combinatorial and Algebraic Structures in Rough Analysis and Related Fields”,
  29. by
    N. Combe, Y. Manin, and M. Marcolli.
    In Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly,
  30. by
    N. Combe, and P. Nencka.
    In Geometric Science of Information, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer,

For interactions of these topics, we refer to the proceedings (a) Arithmetic Homotopy & Galois Theory. Oberwolfach-RIMS tandem workshop (Oberwolfach-RIMS 2023; 100 pages), (b) Homotopic and Geometric Galois Theory (Oberwolfach workshop 2021; 82 pages), and (c) Arithmetic Geometry and Symmetries around Galois and Fundamental Groups (Oberwolfach 2018; 60 pages).

*This bibliography list has been automatically generated with no attempt to correct errors; the categorization must be understood in a broad sense.