Publications & Preprints 2023

Publications and preprints, antichronological order, of the AHGT members of the network in A/ Galois Covers and Moduli Spaces, B/Motivic & Geometric Galois Representations, C/Arithmetic Anabelian Geometry ...and related topics...*. For proceedings, lectures notes, surveys, and notes see the AHGT publications overview.

Galois Covers and Moduli Spaces 2023

  1. Sharp bounds for the number of rational points on algebraic curves and dimension growth, over all global fields
    G. Binyamini, R. Cluckers, and F. Kato.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Jan 2024
  2. by
    D. Harbater, J. Hartmann, and D. Krashen.
    In Israel Journal of Mathematics,
    Dec 2023
  3. Improvements on dimension growth results and effective Hilbert’s irreducibility theorem
    R. Cluckers, P. Dèbes, Y. Hendel, K. Nguyen, and F. Vermeulen.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Nov 2023
  4. by
    J. König, and D. Neftin.
    In International Mathematics Research Notices,
    Nov 2023
  5. by
    S. Arias-de-Reyna, and J. König.
    In International Journal of Number Theory,
    Nov 2023
  6. by
    N. Borne, and A. Laaroussi.
    In Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques,
    Oct 2023
  7. Explicit Riemann-Roch spaces in the Hilbert class field
    J. Couveignes, and J. Gasnier.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Sep 2023
  8. Rationality problem for norm one tori for A5 and PSL2(F8) extensions
    A. Hoshi, and A. Yamasaki.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Sep 2023
  9. by
    M. Fried.
    In Albanian Journal of Mathematics,
    Jul 2023
  10. by
    B. Seguin.
    In PhD thesis Lille University,
    Jul 2023
  11. On sets of rational functions which locally represent all of Q.
    J. König, and B. Klahn.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Jun 2023
  12. On the descent conjecture for rational points and zero-cycles
    N. Linh.
    In arXiv e-print,
    May 2023

    The descent method is one of the strategies allowing one to study the Brauer–Manin obstruction to the local–global principle and to weak approximation on varieties over number fields, by reducing the problem to “descent varieties”. Very recently, in his Park City lecture notes, Wittenberg formulated a “descent conjecture” for torsors under linear algebraic groups. The present article gives a proof of this conjecture in the case of connected groups, generalizing the toric case from the previous work of Harpaz–Wittenberg. As an application, we deduce directly from Sansuc’s work the theorem of Borovoi for homogeneous spaces of connected linear algebraic groups with connected stabilizers. We are also able to reduce the general case to the case of finite (étale) torsors. When the set of rational points is replaced by the Chow group of zero-cycles, an analogue of the above conjecture for arbitrary linear algebraic groups is proved.

  13. by
    I. Biswas, N. Borne, S. Dumitrescu, S. Heller, and C. Pauly.
    In Journal of Geometry and Physics,
    May 2023
  14. Fields of Definition of Components of Hurwitz Spaces
    B. Seguin.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Mar 2023

    For a fixed finite group G, we study the fields of definition of geometrically irreducible components of Hurwitz moduli schemes of marked branched G-covers of the projective line. The main focus is on determining whether components obtained by "gluing" two other components, both defined over a number field K, are also defined over K. The article presents a list of situations in which a positive answer is obtained. As an application, when G is a semi-direct product of symmetric groups or the Mathieu group M23, components defined over Q of small dimension (6 and 4, respectively) are shown to exist.

  15. Bounds for rational points on algebraic curves, optimal in the degree, and dimension growth
    G. Binyamini, R. Cluckers, and D. Novikov.
    In arXiv e-print (to appear in IMRN),
    Feb 2023
  16. by
    A. Hoshi, K. Kanai, and A. Yamasaki.
    In Journal of Number Theory,
    Feb 2023
  17. by
    B. Deschamps.
    In North-W. Eur. J. de Math.,
    Jan 2023

    Dans la perspective de construire une théorie de Galois infinie pour les extensions non extérieures, nous montrons dans ce texte que le monoïde des endomorphismes d’une Z-extension intérieure filtrée s’identifie à la complétion procentrale du groupe de ses automorphismes intérieurs. En particulier, ce monoïde a une structure topologique naturelle qui fait de lui un espace complet et totalement discontinu. In order to build an infinite Galois theory for non-outer extensions, we show that the monoïd of endomorphisms of a filtered inner Z-extension identifies with the procentral completion of the group of its inner automorphisms. In particular, this monoid has a natural topological structure for which it is a complete and totally discontinuous space.

  18. by
    A. Hoshi, M. Kang, and A. Yamasaki.
    In Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society,
    Jan 2023
  19. by
    J. Couveignes, and T. Ezome.
    In J. Algebra,
    Jan 2023
  20. by
    A. Bodin, and P. Dèbes.
    In Israel J. Math.,
    Jan 2023
  21. by
    B. Deschamps.
    In J. of Algebra,
    Jan 2023
  22. by
    J. König, and D. Neftin.
    In Israel Journal of Mathematics,
  23. by
    J. König.
    In Journal of Algebra,
  24. by
    B. Im, and J. König.
    In Mathematische Nachrichten,
  25. by
    J. König.
    In International Journal of Number Theory,
  26. by
    K. Kim, and J. König.
    In Glasgow Mathematical Journal,

References on Galois Covers and Moduli Spaces of the AHGT project prior to 2023.

Motivic & Geometric Galois Representations 2023

  1. Hilbert properties under base change in small extensions
    S. Lior Bary-Soroker.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Dec 2023

    We study the preservation of the Hilbert property and of the weak Hilbert property under base change in field extensions. In particular we show that these properties are preserved if the extension is finitely generated or Galois with finitely generated Galois group, and we also obtain some negative results.

  2. Associators in mould theory
    H. Furusho, M. Hirose, and N. Komiyama.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Dec 2023
  3. by
    S. Lior Bary-Soroker.
    In Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal),
    Nov 2023

    We study the preservation of the Hilbert property and of the weak Hilbert property under base change in field extensions. In particular we show that these properties are preserved if the extension is finitely generated or Galois with finitely generated Galois group, and we also obtain some negative results.

  4. by
    H. Furusho, and N. Komiyama.
    In Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math.,
    Nov 2023
  5. Local model theory for non-generic tame potentially Barsotti–Tate deformation rings
    S. Bao Viet Le Hung.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Nov 2023

    We develop a local model theory for moduli stacks of 2-dimensional non-scalar tame potentially Barsotti–Tate Galois representations of the Galois group of an unramified extension of Qp. We derive from this explicit presentations of potentially Barsotti–Tate deformation rings, allowing us to prove structural results about them, and prove various conjectures formulated by Caruso–David–Mézard.

  6. by
    A. Best, L. Betts, T. Kumpitsch, M. Lüdtke, A. McAndrew, L. Qian, E. Studnia, and Y. Xu.
    In Math. Comp.,
    Oct 2023
  7. by
    B. Enriquez, and F. Hidekazu.
    In Sel. Math. New Ser.,
    Oct 2023

    We derive from the compatibility of associators with the module harmonic coproduct, obtained in Part I of the series, the inclusion of the torsor of associators into that of double shuffle relations, which completes one of the aims of this series. We define two stabilizer torsors using the module and algebra harmonic coproducts from Part I. We show that the double shuffle torsor can be described using the module stabilizer torsor, and that the latter torsor is contained in the algebra stabilizer torsor.

  8. by
    K. Yaddaden.
    In Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra (acc. 2023),
    Oct 2023
  9. Generic vanishing theorem for Fujiki class C
    H. Liu.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Sep 2023

    A Nakano-type generic vanishing result is extended from compact Kähler manifolds to manifolds in Fujiki class C, so that smooth proper complex algebraic varieties are covered.

  10. Making the motivic group structure on the endomorphisms of the projective line explicit
    V. Barth, W. Hornslien, G. Quick, and G. Wilson.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Aug 2023
  11. by
    N. Combe, Y. Manin, and M. Marcolli.
    In Essays in Geometry,
    Aug 2023
  12. Elliptic hyperlogarithms
    B. Enriquez, and F. Zerbini.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Jul 2023

    Let E be a complex elliptic curve and S a non-empty finite subset of E. We show the equality of two algebras of multivalued functions on E∖S: on the one hand, an algebra constructed using the functions Γ  introduced in arXiv:1712.07089 out of string theory motivations; on the other hand, the minimal algebra of holomorphic multivalued functions on E∖S which is stable under integration, studied in arXiv:2212.03119; both algebras coincide with the algebra of multivalued holomorphic functions with unipotent monodromy on E∖S and moderate growth at the points of S.

  13. by
    A. Topaz.
    In preprint,
    Jun 2023
  14. Chabauty–Kim and the Section Conjecture for locally geometric sections
    L. Betts, T. Kumpitsch, and M. Lüdtke.
    May 2023

    Let X be a smooth projective curve of genus ≥2 over a number field. A natural variant of Grothendieck’s Section Conjecture postulates that every section of the fundamental exact sequence for X which everywhere locally comes from a point of X in fact globally comes from a point of X. We show that X/Q satisfies this version of the Section Conjecture if it satisfies Kim’s Conjecture for almost all choices of auxiliary prime p, and give the appropriate generalisation to S-integral points on hyperbolic curves. This gives a new "computational" strategy for proving instances of this variant of the Section Conjecture, which we carry out for the thrice-punctured line over Z[1/2].

  15. by
    H. Furusho.
    In Tunisian. J. Math,
    Apr 2023
  16. by
    B. Enriquez, and F. Hidekazu.
    In Sel. Math. New Ser.,
    Mar 2023

    In the first two parts of the series, we constructed stabilizer subtorsors of a ‘twisted Magnus’ torsor, studied their relations with the associator and double shuffle torsors, and explained their ‘de Rham’ nature. In this paper, we make the associated bitorsor structures explicit and explain the ‘Betti’ nature of the corresponding right torsors; we thereby complete one aim of the series. We study the discrete and pro-p versions of the ‘Betti’ group of the double shuffle bitorsor.

  17. by
    O. Harpaz.
    In Duke Math. J.,
    Jan 2023
  18. Notes on Kashiwara-Vergne and double shuffle Lie algebras
    H. Furusho, and N. Komiyama.
    In "Low Dimensional Topology and Number Theory" Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics (to appear),
  19. by
    M. Leonhardt, M. Lüdtke, and J. Müller.
    In Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN,

    We give sufficient conditions for finiteness of linear and quadratic refined Chabauty–Kim loci of affine hyperbolic curves. We achieve this by constructing depth <=2 quotients of the fundamental group, following a construction of Balakrishnan–Dogra in the projective case. We also apply Betts’ machinery of weight filtrations to give unconditional explicit upper bounds on the number of S-integral points when our conditions are satisfied.

  20. by
    F. Bleher, T. Chinburg, and J. Gillibert.
    In Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3),
  21. by
    N. Combe, Y. Manin, and M. Marcolli.
    In P-Adic Num Ultrametr Anal Appl,

References on Motivic & Geometric Galois Representations of the AHGT project prior to 2023.

Arithmetic Anabelian Geometry 2023

  1. GT-shadows for the gentle version of the Grothendieck-Teichmueller group
    V. Dolgushev, and J. Guynee.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Jan 2024

    Let B3 be the Artin braid group on 3 strands and PB3 be the corresponding pure braid group. In this paper, we construct the groupoid GTSh of GT-shadows for a (possibly more tractable) version GT0 of the Grothendieck-Teichmueller group GT introduced by D. Harbater and L. Schneps in 2000. We call this group the gentle version of GT and denote it by GTgen. The objects of GTSh are finite index normal subgroups N of B3 satisfying the condition N⊂PB3. Morphisms of GTSh are called GT-shadows and they may be thought of as approximations to elements of GTgen. We show how GT-shadows can be obtained from elements of GTgen and prove that GTgen is isomorphic to the limit of a certain functor defined in terms of the groupoid GTSh. Using this result, we get a criterion for identifying genuine GT-shadows.

  2. The classifying element for quotients of Fermat curves
    J. Duque-Rosero, and R. Pries.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Dec 2023
  3. On the kernels of the pro-p outer Galois representations associated to once-punctured CM elliptic curves
    S. Ishii.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Dec 2023
  4. On Kummer characters arising from Galois actions on the pro-p fundamental groups of once-punctured CM elliptic curves
    S. Ishii.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Dec 2023
  5. groups of proper varieties are finitely presented
    M. Lara, V. Srinivas, and J. Stix.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Nov 2023

    It was recently proven by Esnault, Shusterman and the second named author, that the étale fundamental group of a connected smooth projective variety over an algebraically closed field k is finitely presented. In this note, we extend this result to all connected proper schemes over k.

  6. by
    P. Dittmann, and F. Pop.
    In Ann. of Math. ,
    Nov 2023

    We resolve the strong Elementary Equivalence versus Isomorphism Problem for finitely generated fields. That is, we show that for every field in this class, there is a first-order sentence that characterizes this field within the class up to isomorphism. Our solution is conditional on resolution of singularities in characteristic two and unconditional in all other characteristics.

  7. On Oda’s problem and special loci
    B. Collas, and S. Philip.
    In arXiv e-print, RIMS preprint 1978,
    Nov 2023

    Oda’s problem, which deals with the fixed field of the universal monodromy representation of moduli spaces of curves and its independence with respect to the topological data, is a central question of anabelian arithmetic geometry. This paper emphasizes the stack nature of this problem by establishing the independence of monodromy fields with respect to finer special loci data of curves with symmetries, which we show provides a new proof of Oda’s prediction.

  8. Topological rigidity of maps in positive characteristic and anabelian geometry
    P. Achinger, and J. Stix.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Oct 2023

    We study pairs of non-constant maps between two integral schemes of finite type over two (possibly different) fields of positive characteristic. When the target is quasi-affine, Tamagawa showed that the two maps are equal up to a power of Frobenius if and only if they induce the same homomorphism on their étale fundamental groups. We extend Tamagawa’s result by adding a purely topological criterion for maps to agree up to a power of Frobenius.

  9. by
    M. Boggi.
    In Glasgow Math. J.,
    Oct 2023

    Hyperelliptic mapping class groups are defined either as the centralizers of hyperelliptic involutions inside mapping class groups of oriented surfaces of finite type or as the inverse images of these centralizers by the natural epimorphisms between mapping class groups of surfaces with marked points. We study these groups in a systematic way. An application of this theory is a counterexample to the genus 2 case of a conjecture by Putman and Wieland on virtual linear representations of mapping class groups. In the last section, we study profinite completions of hyperelliptic mapping class groups: we extend the congruence subgroup property to the general class of hyperelliptic mapping class groups introduced above and then determine the centralizers of multitwists and of open subgroups in their profinite completions.

  10. Mass formula for non-ordinary curves in one dimensional families
    R. Cavalieri, and R. Pries.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Aug 2023
  11. by
    D. Shiraishi.
    In Math. J. Okayama Univ (acc. 2024),
    Jul 2023
  12. Spence-Kummer’s trilogarithm functional equation and the underlying geometry
    D. Shiraishi.
    In e-print arXiv,
    Jul 2023
  13. by
    M. Boggi, and L. Funar.
    In Journal of Topology,
    Jul 2023

    In this paper we study the automorphism group of the procongruence mapping class group through its action on the associated procongruence curve and pants complexes. Our main result is a rigidity theorem for the procongruence completion of the pants complex. As an application we prove that moduli stacks of smooth algebraic curves satisfy a weak anabelian property in the procongruence setting.

  14. Some cases of Oort’s conjecture about Newton polygons
    R. Pries.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Jun 2023
  15. by
    S. Mochizuki, and S. Tsujimura.
    In RIMS Preprint 1974,
    Jun 2023

    In this paper, we prove that arbitrary hyperbolic curves over p-adic local fields admit resolution of nonsingularities [“RNS”]. This result may be regarded as a generalization of results concerning resolution of nonsingularities obtained by A. Tamagawa and E. Lepage. Moreover, by combining our RNS result with techniques from combinatorial anabelian geometry, we prove that an absolute version of the geometrically pro-Σ Grothendieck Conjecture for arbitrary hyperbolic curves over p-adic local fields, where Σ denotes a set of prime numbers of cardinality ≥ 2 that contains p, holds. This settles one of the major open questions in anabelian geometry. Furthermore, we prove –again by applying RNS and combinatorial anabelian geometry– that the various p-adic versions of the Grothendieck-Teichmüller group that appear in the literature in fact coincide. As a corollary, we conclude that the metrized Grothendieck-Teichmüller group is commensurably terminal in the Grothendieck-Teichmüller group. This settles a longstanding open question in combinatorial anabelian geometry.

  16. by
    S. Tsujimura, and A. Minamide.
    In RIMS Preprint 1973,
    Jun 2023
  17. by
    S. Tsujimura.
    In J. Inst. Math. Jussieu,
    Jun 2023
  18. by
    Y. Hoshi.
    In Nagoya Math. J.,
    Jun 2023
  19. by
    C. Demarche, and T. Szamuely.
    In preprint,
    Jun 2023
  20. by
    Y. Hoshi.
    In RIMS Preprint 1972,
    May 2023
  21. by
    Y. Hoshi.
    In RIMS Preprint 1970,
    Apr 2023
  22. Anabelian properties of infinite algebraic extensions of finite fields
    T. Murotani.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Apr 2023

    The Grothendieck conjecture for hyperbolic curves over finite fields was solved affirmatively by Tamagawa and Mochizuki. On the other hand, (a “weak version” of) the Grothendieck conjecture for some hyperbolic curves over algebraic closures of finite fields is also known by Tamagawa and Sarashina. So, it is natural to consider anabelian geometry over (infinite) algebraic extensions of finite fields. In the present paper, we give certain generalizations of the above results of Tamagawa and Sarashina to hyperbolic curves over these fields. Moreover, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for algebraic extensions of finite fields to be (torally) Kummer-faithful in terms of their absolute Galois groups.

  23. by
    Y. Hoshi.
    In Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci.,
    Mar 2023
  24. The geometrically m-step solvable Grothendieck conjecture for affine hyperbolic curves over finitely generated fields
    N. Yamaguchi.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Feb 2023

    In this paper, we present some new results on the geometrically m-step solvable Grothendieck conjecture in anabelian geometry. Specifically, we show the (weak bi-anabelian and strong bi-anabelian) geometrically m-step solvable Grothendieck conjecture(s) for affine hyperbolic curves over fields finitely generated over the prime field. First of all, we show the conjecture over finite fields. Next, we show the geometrically m-step solvable version of the Oda-Tamagawa good reduction criterion for hyperbolic curves. Finally, by using these two results, we show the conjecture over fields finitely generated over the prime field.

  25. by
    M. Takahiro.
    In Int. J. Number Theory,
    Feb 2023

    Anabelian geometry has been developed over a much wider class of fields than Grothendieck, who is the originator of anabelian geometry, conjectured. So, it is natural to ask the following question: What kinds of fields are suitable for the base fields of anabelian geometry? In this paper, we consider this problem for higher local fields. First, to consider “anabelianness” of higher local fields themselves, we give mono-anabelian reconstruction algorithms of various invariants of higher local fields from their absolute Galois groups. As a result, the isomorphism classes of certain types of higher local fields are completely determined by their absolute Galois groups. Next, we prove that mixed-characteristic higher local fields are Kummer-faithful. This result affirms the above question for these higher local fields to a certain extent.

  26. by
    A. Topaz.
    In preprint,
    Jan 2023
  27. Topological Structures of Moduli Spaces of Curves and Anabelian Geometry in Positive Characteristic
    Z. Hu, Y. Yang, and R. Zong.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Jan 2023

    In the present paper, we study a new kind of anabelian phenomenon concerning the smooth pointed stable curves in positive characteristic. It shows that the topological structures of moduli spaces of curves can be understood from the viewpoint of anabelian geometry. We formulate some new anabelian-geometric conjectures relating the tame fundamental groups of curves over algebraically closed fields of characteristic p>0 to the moduli spaces of curves. These conjectures are generalized versions of the weak Isom-version of the Grothendieck conjecture for curves over algebraically closed fields of characteristic p>0 which was formulated by Tamagawa. Moreover, we prove that the conjectures hold for certain points lying in the moduli space of curves of genus 0.

  28. by
    A. Cadoret, C. Hui, and A. Tamagawa.
    In Israel J. Math.,
    Jan 2023
  29. by
    H. Esnault, V. Srinivas, and J. Stix.
    In Algebraic Geometry,

    We introduce a new obstruction to lifting smooth proper varieties from characteristic p > 0 to characteristic 0. It is based on Grothendieck’s specialization homomorphism and the resulting discrete finiteness properties of étale fundamental groups.

  30. by
    W. Porowski.
    In Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci.,
  31. by
    Y. Yang.
    In preprint,

    In the present paper, we give an explicit construction of differences of tame fundamental groups of certain non-isomorphic curves via finite quotients. In particular, our construction shows that the anabelian phenomena for curves over algebraically closed fields of positive characteristic can be understood by using not only entire tame fundamental groups but also certain finite quotients of them.

  32. by
    R. Davis, R. Pries, and K. Wickelgren.
    In Israel Journal of Math.,
  33. by
    E. Kin, H. Nakamura, and H. Ogawa.
    In J. Math. Soc. Japan,
  34. On the observability of Galois representations and the Tate conjecture
    Y. André.
    In arXiv e-print,

    The Tate conjecture has two parts: i) Tate classes are linear combination of algebraic classes, ii) semisimplicity of Galois representations (for smooth projective varieties). B. Moonen proved that i) implies ii) in characteristic 0, using p-adic Hodge theory. We show that an unconditional result lies behind this implication: the \it observability of arithmetic monodromy groups of geometric origin (in any characteristic) - which leads to a sharpening of Moonen’s result. We also discuss another aspect of the Tate conjecture related to the transcendence of p-adic periods.

References on Arithmetic Anabelian Geometry of the AHGT project prior to 2023.

...and related topics...

The AHGT program naturally interacts with the latest developments of various fiels of mathematics (e.g., low-dimensional and algebraic topology, algebraic geometry and number theory, quantum field theory,...).

  1. A note on Real line bundles with connection and Real smooth Deligne cohomology
    P. Flydal, G. Quick, and E. Svanes.
    In Acta Mathematica Vietnamica (acc.),
    Dec 2023

    We define a Real version of smooth Deligne cohomology for manifolds with involution which interpolates between equivariant sheaf cohomology and smooth imaginary-valued forms. Our main result is a classification of Real line bundles with Real connection on manifolds with involution.

  2. Automorphisms of procongruence pants complexes
    M. Boggi, and L. Funar.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Nov 2023

    We show that every automorphism of the congruence completion of the extended mapping class group which preserves the set of conjugacy classes of procyclic groups generated by Dehn twists is inner and that its automorphism group is naturally isomorphic to the automorphism group of the procongruence pants complex. In the genus 0 case, we prove the stronger result that all automorphisms of the profinite completion of the extended mapping class group are inner.

  3. by
    Q. Liu.
    In Res. number theory,
    Oct 2023

    We describe an algorithm for determining a minimal Weierstrass equation for hyperelliptic curves over principal ideal domains. When the curve has a rational Weierstrass point w0, we also give a similar algorithm for determining the minimal Weierstrass equation with respect to w0.

  4. Twisted Heilbronn Virtual Characters
    G. Yamashita.
    In preprint,
    Oct 2023
  5. Pre-Lie algebras with divided powers and the Deligne groupoid in positive characteristic
    M. Verstraete.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Oct 2023
  6. On Frobenius structures in symmetric cones
    N. Combe.
    In ,
    Sep 2023
  7. Parametric Fourier and Mellin transforms of power-constructible functions
    R. Cluckers, G. Comte, and T. Servi.
    In arXiv e-print (to appear in Forum of Math, Sigma),
    Aug 2023
  8. Higgs bundles in the Hitchin section over non-compact hyperbolic surfaces
    Q. Li, and T. Mochizuki.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Jul 2023
  9. On the cokernel of the Thom morphism for compact Lie groups
    E. Kaspersen, and G. Quick.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Jun 2023
  10. by
    A. Asok, A. Dubouloz, and P. Ostvaer.
    In Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN,
    May 2023
  11. Hopf crossed module (co)algebras
    K. Sozer, and A. Virelizier.
    May 2023
  12. Chromatic maps for finite tensor categories
    F. Costantino, N. Geer, B. Patureau-Mirand, and A. Virelizier.
    May 2023
  13. Generating the homology of covers of surfaces
    M. Boggi, A. Putman, and N. Salter.
    In arXiv e-print,
    May 2023

    Putman and Wieland conjectured that if Σ →Σ is a finite branched cover between closed oriented surfaces of sufficiently high genus, then the orbits of all nonzero elements of H1(Σ ;Q) under the action of lifts to Σ  of mapping classes on Σ are infinite. We prove that this holds if H1(Σ ;Q) is generated by the homology classes of lifts of simple closed curves on Σ. We also prove that the subspace of H1(Σ ;Q) spanned by such lifts is a symplectic subspace. Finally, simple closed curves lie on subsurfaces homeomorphic to 2-holed spheres, and we prove that H1(Σ ;Q) is generated by the homology classes of lifts of loops on Σ lying on subsurfaces homeomorphic to 3-holed spheres.

  14. Asymptotic behaviour of the Hitchin metric on the moduli space of Higgs bundles
    T. Mochizuki.
    In arXiv e-print,
    May 2023
  15. Existential uniform p-adic integration and descent for integrability and largest poles
    R. Cluckers, and M. Stout.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Apr 2023
  16. Mellin transforms of power-constructible functions
    R. Cluckers, G. Comte, J. Rolin, and T. Servi.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Apr 2023
  17. by
    Y. Hoshi.
    In Math. J. Okayama Univ.,
    Mar 2023
  18. Asymptotic behaviour of large-scale solutions of Hitchin’s equations in higher rank
    T. Mochizuki, and S. Szabo.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Mar 2023
  19. Geometric pushforward in Hodge filtered complex cobordism and secondary invariants
    K. Haus, and G. Quick.
    In arXiv e-print,
    Mar 2023
  20. Non compact (2+1)-TQFTs from non-semisimple spherical categories
    F. Costantino, N. Geer, B. Patureau-Mirand, and A. Virelizier.
    Feb 2023
  21. Natural transformations relating homotopy and singular homology functors
    B. Enriquez, and F. Lecomte.
    In arXiv e-print, RIMS preprint 1978,
    Jan 2023

    The category of topological spaces endowed with two marked points is equipped with two families Fn and Hn of functors to the category of abelian groups, indexed by a nonnegative integer n: namely, the functor Fn takes the object (X,x,y) to the quotient of Zπ1(X,x,y) by an abelian subgroup associated with the n+1-st power of the augmentation ideal of the group algebra Zπ1(X,x), and the functor Hn takes the same object to the n-th singular homology group of Xn relative to a subspace defined in terms of partial diagonals. We construct a family of natural transformations νn:Fn→Hn. We identify the natural transformation obtained by restricting νn to the subcategory of algebraic varieties with a natural equivalence due to Beilinson.

  22. by
    K. Sözer, and A. Virelizier.
    In Adv. Math.,
    Jan 2023
  23. by
    R. Cluckers, I. Halupczok, S. Rideau-Kikuchi, and F. Vermeulen.
    In Forum Math. Sigma,
    Jan 2023
  24. by
    R. Cluckers, I. Glazer, and Y. Hendel.
    In Algebra Number Theory,
    Jan 2023
  25. by
    R. Cluckers, J. Kollár, and M. Mustaţǎ.
    In Algebraic Geometry and Physics (to appear),
  26. by
    T. Mochizuki, and C. Sabbah.
    In Oberwolfach Rep.,
  27. by
    K. Haus, and G. Quick.
    In Adv. Math.,
  28. by
    N. Combe.
    In Workshop Reports of “Mini-Workshop: Combinatorial and Algebraic Structures in Rough Analysis and Related Fields”,
  29. by
    N. Combe, Y. Manin, and M. Marcolli.
    In Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly,
  30. by
    N. Combe, and P. Nencka.
    In Geometric Science of Information, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer,
*This bibliography list has been automatically generated with no attempt to correct errors; the categorization must be understood in a broad sense.