References AHGT

A selection of references on Motivic & Geometric Galois Representations in Arithmetic and Homotopic Galois Theory prior to 2023. For recent publications, see the AHGT publications overview.


  1. by
    A. Cadoret, and A. Tamagawa.
    In ,
    Jun 2022
  2. Ramified covers of abelian varieties over torsion fields
    L. Bary-Soroker, A. Fehm, and S. Petersen.
    In arXiv e-prints,
    Jun 2022
  3. by
    D. Barrera, M. Dimitrov, and A. Jorza.
    In J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS),
    Jun 2022
  4. by
    B. Collas, M. Dettweiler, S. Reiter, and W. Sawin.
    In J. Reine Angew. Math.,
    Jun 2022
  5. by
    C. Klevdal, and S. Patrikis.
    In Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.,
    Jun 2022
  6. by
    F. Binda, D. Park, and P. Østvær.
    In Astérisque,
    Jun 2022
  7. by
    N. Fakhruddin, C. Khare, and S. Patrikis.
    In Invent. Math.,
    Jun 2022


  1. Geometric models for algebraic suspensions
    A. Asok, A. Dubouloz, and P. Østvær.
    In arXiv e-prints,
    Dec 2021
  2. The Hilbert-Grunwald specialization property over number fields
    J. König, and D. Neftin.
    In arXiv e-prints,
    Dec 2021
  3. Combinatorics of Serre weights in the potentially Barsotti-Tate setting
    X. Caruso, A. David, and A. Mézard.
    In arXiv e-prints,
    May 2021
  4. A geometric view on Iwasawa theory
    A. Betina, and M. Dimitrov.
    In J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux,
    May 2021
  5. by
    P. Colmez, G. Dospinescu, J. Hauseux, and W. Nizioł.
    In Math. Ann.,
    May 2021
  6. by
    B. Enriquez, and H. Furusho.
    In Selecta Math. (N.S.),
    May 2021
  7. by
    A. Cadoret, and A. Tamagawa.
    In ,
    May 2021
  8. by
    P. Lochak, N. Matthes, and L. Schneps.
    In Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN,
    May 2021
  9. by
    N. Fakhruddin, C. Khare, and S. Patrikis.
    In Duke Math. J.,
    May 2021


  1. by
    R. Hain, and M. Matsumoto.
    In J. Inst. Math. Jussieu,
    May 2020
  2. by
    A. Cadoret, and B. Moonen.
    In J. Inst. Math. Jussieu,
    May 2020
  3. by
    K. Bannai, K. Hagihara, S. Kobayashi, K. Yamada, S. Yamamoto, and S. Yasuda.
    In Asian J. Math.,
    May 2020


  1. by
    B. Bhatt, M. Morrow, and P. Scholze.
    In Publ. Math. Inst. Hautes Études Sci.,
    May 2019
  2. by
    A. Cadoret, and A. Tamagawa.
    In J. Reine Angew. Math.,
    May 2019
  3. by
    A. Cadoret, and A. Tamagawa.
    In Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN,
    May 2019


  1. by
    J. Hauseux, T. Schmidt, and C. Sorensen.
    In J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux,
    May 2018
  2. by
    X. Caruso, A. David, and A. Mézard.
    In Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.,
    May 2018
  3. Arithmetic of Elliptic Function Fields and Elliptic Convolution
    B. Collas, M. Dettweiler, and S. Reiter.
    In Mini-Workshop: Arithmetic Geometry and Symmetries around Galois and Fundamental Groups (Oberwolfach report),
    May 2018
  4. p-adic geometry
    P. Scholze.
    In Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians—Rio de Janeiro 2018. Vol. I. Plenary lectures,
    May 2018
  5. by
    S. Galatius, and A. Venkatesh.
    In Adv. Math.,
    May 2018


  1. by
    L. Illusie.
    In Manuscripta Math.,
    May 2017
  2. by
    Y. Taguchi.
    In Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci.,
    May 2017
  3. by
    A. Cadoret, C. Hui, and A. Tamagawa.
    In Ann. of Math. (2),
    May 2017


  1. by
    M. Dimitrov.
    In p-adic aspects of modular forms, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ.
    May 2016


  1. by
    G. Yamashita, and S. Yasuda.
    In J. Number Theory,
    May 2015
  2. by
    A. Cadoret.
    In Manuscripta Math.,
    May 2015


  1. by
    Y. Ozeki, and Y. Taguchi.
    In Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci.,
    May 2014
  2. by
    S. Kondo, and S. Yasuda.
    In J. Pure Appl. Algebra,
    May 2014
  3. by
    M. Emerton, and T. Gee.
    In J. Inst. Math. Jussieu,
    May 2014
  4. by
    B. Enriquez.
    In Selecta Math. (N.S.),
    May 2014
  5. by
    A. Cadoret, and A. Tamagawa.
    In J. Algebra,
    May 2014
  6. by
    L. Bary-Soroker, A. Fehm, and S. Petersen.
    In Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble),
    May 2014


  1. by
    Y. Kubo, and Y. Taguchi.
    In Math. Z.,
    May 2013
  2. by
    M. Romagny, A. Mézard, and T. Tossici.
    In Ann. Institut Fourier,
    May 2013
  3. by
    F. Bleher, T. Chinburg, and B. Smit.
    In Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.,
    May 2013
  4. by
    A. Cadoret, and A. Tamagawa.
    In Duke Math. J.,
    May 2013
  5. by
    A. Fehm, and E. Paran.
    In J. Reine Angew. Math.,
    May 2013


  1. by
    G. Yamashita.
    In Galois-Teichmüller theory and arithmetic geometry, Math. Soc. Japan, Tokyo.
    May 2012
  2. by
    A. Cadoret, and A. Tamagawa.
    In Duke Math. J.,
    May 2012
  3. by
    S. Kondo, and S. Yasuda.
    In J. Number Theory,
    May 2012


  1. by
    H. Furusho.
    In Ann. of Math. (2),
    May 2011


  1. by
    G. Cornelissen, F. Kato, and A. Kontogeorgis.
    In Israel J. Math.,
    May 2010
  2. by
    M. Dettweiler, and S. Reiter.
    In Compos. Math.,
    May 2010
  3. The emerging p-adic Langlands programme
    C. Breuil.
    In Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians. Volume II,
    May 2010
  4. by
    H. Furusho.
    In Ann. of Math. (2),
    May 2010

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