Activities - Conferences & Seminars

Conferences, workshops, and seminars organized by the members of the AHGT network.

The AHGT Seminar

An hybrid seminar that takes place between LPP Lille and RIMS Kyoto on a monthly basis by Zoom and which covers the three topics of the AHGT project. Contact the local organizer of your choice in case of interest.


Seminars of the Network

Next coming talks…

May 13, 2024 Double shuffle torsor of cyclotomic multiple zeta values and stabilizers of de Rham and Betti coproducts by Khalef Yaddaden, Nagoya University, Japan.
Jun 3, 2024 Towards Uniform Finiteness Results on Heavenly Elliptic Curves by Christopher Rasmussen, Wesleyan University, USA.
Jul 1, 2024 On the reducibility of fibers of polynomials by Angelot Behajaina, Technion & Open University of Israel.
 Page of the AHGT seminar

AHGT Workshops and Conferences

Algebraic & Arithmetic Geometry 2024. 6th Kyoto+ Workshop Webpage of the workshop (to be published)
Anabelian Geometry and Representations of Fundamental Groups. Oberwolfach workshop
Webpage of the workshop
Arithmetic Homotopy & Galois Theory. Oberwolfach-RIMS tandem workshop
Webpage of the workshop
Algebraic & Arithmetic Geometry 2023. 5th Kyoto+ Workshop Webpage of the workshop
Arithmetic & Homotopic Galois Theory 2023 Webpage of the workshop

AHGT Focus Workshops & Lecture Series

Focus events to introduce and report on the latest topics and progress of the arithmetic homotopy and Galois theory program.

Paris Arithmetic Homotopy Galois Theory Day 2024 Workshop Poster Schedule & Program (TBP)
Lecture on ``Berkovich methods for anabelian reconstructions and Resolution of Nonsingularities''

Schedule & Program

Anabelian Geometry in Tokyo 2024 Workshop Poster Webpage of the workshop
Workshop on Model theory of valued fields and applications. Webpage of the workshop
Lille Arithmetic Homotopy Galois Theory Day 2023 Workshop Poster Schedule & Program
Arithmetic Seminar Day in Toyonaka 2023 Webpage of the workshop

Young Researchers Workshops

One of the goals of the AHGT IRN is the coordination and support of independant activities for early-career researchers, i.e. Master students, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, in terms of short and topic-focus oriented workshops and seminars.

Atelier de Géométrie Arithmétique - 数論幾何学のアトリエ

Spaces and perfectoids
Webpage of the workshop [Registration]
Around the Grothendieck-Teichmüller group
Webpage of the workshop
Local-global principles and the patching method
Webpage of the workshop

The AHGT Ateliers are one-day events organized by and for early-career researchers to discover and get a working understanding of both fundamental and hot topics in Arithmetic and Homotopic Galois Theory.
Talks are distributed in advance among participants, who also propose and vote the next event topic.

Seminars for early-career researchers

Some occasional events organized by the nodes of the network:

Ookayama Youth Seminar in Algebra - 大岡山代数系若手セミナー

The Ookayama Youth Seminar in Algebra is a seminar for Mx students, and PhD and early career postdoctoral researchers of Tokyo Institute of Technology and its surrounding. The seminar takes place every two-weeks in Tokyo Institute of Technology and is organized by Slack.
Please contact the organizers T. Asayama or N. Yamaguchi.


École Parisienne d'Arithmétique et de Géométrie

The AHGT IRN brings its support to the French EPAG (École Parisienne d'Arithmétique et de Géométrie) and its RéGA (réseau des étudiants en géométrie algébrique) seminar for PhD students.

Related Workshops (2018-2022)

A selection of previous events that support the present activity of the IRN, feel free to consult the report, program, and slides of the talks.

Homotopic and Geometric Galois Theory Oberwolfach workshop 2021

Report [PDF]
Arithmetic Geometry and Symmetries around Galois and Fundamental Group Oberwolfach mini-workshop 2018

Report [PDF]
Combinatorial Anabelian Geometry The 29th Number Theory Summer School, 2022
Notes of the lectures [PDF]
Promenade in Inter-Universal Teichmüller Theory Lille-RIMS seminar 2020-2021
Report [PDF+WEB]
Expanding Horizons of Inter-universal Teichmüller Theory RIMS workshops series 2021