Atelier de Géométrie Arithmétique - 数論幾何学のアトリエ 2024

Spaces and perfectoids towards a perfectoid Siegel modular space

The notion of a perfectoid space was introduced by Scholze in 2012. It readily had a plethora of strong applications such as in p-adic Hodge theory and the Langlands program. To quote Bhatt in 2014, “The theory of perfectoid spaces is rather young, but already extremely potent: each class of examples discovered so far has led to powerful and deep theorems in arithmetic geometry”.
The inspiration of perfectoid spaces come from the reunion of a classical result of Fontaine and Wintenberger in Galois theory, the theories of analytic geometry over non-archimedean spaces as given by Huber adic spaces, Berkovich spaces and the rigid-analytic geometry of Tate, and Faltings “almost mathematics” developped by Gaber and Ramero.

The goal of the workshop is to provide an introduction to the theory of perfectoid spaces and see it in application with the construction of a Siegel perfectoid space and a Hodge-Tate period map following Scholze. The classical GIT-construction of a fine moduli space for abelian varieties with level structure will be presented. See program for a description of talks and a list of references.

This atelier is organized with the support of the École Parisienne d'Arithmétique et de Géométrie (ÉPAG).

List of participants

Matthias Alizon École normale supérieure de Paris Paris
Simon Alonso École Normale Supérieure de Lyon Paris
Antonin Assoun Université de Lille Paris
Justin Carel École normale supérieure de Paris Paris
Caeiro Elias École Normale Supérieure Paris
Nino Emery École Normale Supérieure de Lyon Paris
Tokihiro Fushimi RIMS Kyoto University Kyoto
Felipe Gambardella École Polytechnique Paris
Paul Alexander Helminck Tohoku University Kyoto
Ryo Ishizuka Tokyo Institute of Technology Kyoto
Ito Kashu Ritsumeikan University Kyoto
Akasaka Keima Chiba University Kyoto
Alexander Kenigswald ENS de Lyon Paris
Antoine Klughertz École Normale Supérieure de Lyon Paris
Kaiji Kondo RIMS Kyoto University Kyoto
Brieuc Lair École normale supérieure de Paris Paris
Loiseau Louis Université de Bordeaux Paris
Kenza Memlouk École Normale Supérieure de Lyon Paris
Enguerrand Moulinier Sorbonne University Paris
Séverin Philip RIMS Kyoto University Kyoto
Lucas Hiroyuki Ragni hamada Tokyo Institute of Technology Kyoto
Kazuki Sekine Institute of Information Security Kyoto
Taisei Shin RIMS Kyoto University Kyoto
Matteo Soreda ENS Rennes Kyoto
Reiya Tachihara RIMS Kyoto University Kyoto
Naoka Takada Osaka University Kyoto
Naganori Yamaguchi Tokyo Institute of Technology Kyoto
Hsin-Yi Yang Utrecht University Paris
Kexuan Yang University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Kyoto
Adrien Zabat Sorbonne University Paris
*Kyoto: 14; Paris: 14...Updated: July 16, 2024

The Atelier takes place in-person* with a Zoom bridge between RIMS Kyoto and Paris. Participants proposes and vote for the next Atelier topic.

[AGA24] Participants at RIMS, Kyoto.
[AGA24] Participants in Paris online*.

Organizers: Ferreira-Filoramo (France), Philip (RIMS Japan), Takada (Osaka Japan) or Yamaguchi (Tokyo Japan).

* Due to the Paris Olympic Games 2024 and Security measure, there is no access to ENS or to Jussieu, see [Map;Resource].