News of the AHGT network

Announcements of international exchanges within the network and of the scientific activities (conferences, workshops, seminars) organized by the members of the Arithmetic & Homotopic Galois Theory international network.

[Lecture] April 8, 10 and 12

E. Lepage (IMJ-PRG) gives 3 lectures on ``Berkovich methods for anabelian reconstructions & resolution of nonsingularities''[Prog]

Three talks at RIMS Kyoto - room 110

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[Visit] Oct. 3rd, 2023

A CNRS Mathematics delegation visits RIMS, Kyoto University

C. Besse & J.-C. Dhersin (CNRS), K. Ono, A.Tamagawa and B. Collas

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For further activities, see also the schedule of the AHGT seminar and the complete list of scientific activities of the IRN.