February 3, 2025 |
Convolution groups of perverse sheaves on abelian varietiesHaohao Liu, IRMA Strasbourg, France RIMS Kyoto (Room 110) + Zoom · JP: 16:30 · FR: 08:30Abelian varieties are projective varieties with a group structure. The group law induces a convolution operation for perverse sheaves, which are singular version of local systems. Via the Tannakian formalism, Krämer and Weissauer assign a linear group to each perverse sheaf. Given a family of perverse sheaves, we show that the convolution group of a very general perverse sheaf in the family is the same as the generic one. We give a geometric application to subvarieties of abelian varieties. This is joint work with Anna Cadoret. |
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